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到底什么才是高质量的志愿者经历?盘点10 家位于上海的慈善组织

时间:2015-11-30 来源:本站 点击次数:10998




作者:XZ Palmer@时髦上海



Adream 真爱梦想 成立时间:2007

他们在做:改善国内教育不平等的问题。给偏远地区和市区的教育机构提供设备(例如电脑)、全面课程、教师培训,从而让弱势群体能自给自足。他们的课程与国内的传统教育方式不同,重视用互动的方式让孩子享受学习的过程。在过去四年里,Adream 都被福布斯评为中国最透明的慈善机构,相当了不起。 

如何参与:Adream 在寻找能帮助他们做校园推广、课程教授的志愿者。欢迎各年龄层,不同文化背景的人加入。你能在他们的官网 www.adream.org 申请


Adream Shanghai 

Year Founded: 2007

What They Do: Adream focuses on solving education inequality in China. A noble intent. Their projects support education in rural areas and urban inner-cities through providing equipment (such as computers), holistic curriculums, and teacher training programs so that disadvantaged communities can become self-sustainable. Their curriculums differ from traditional teaching methods in China by being interactive with a focus on enjoying the learning process. For the past four years, Adream has been ranked by Forbes as the most transparent charitable foundation in China -- an accolade indeed. 
How You Can Get Involved: Adream looks for volunteers to promote and teach their Adream curriculum in schools. They welcome people of any age and nationality to join, however most of their work is done in Chinese. You can apply to be a volunteer on their website here.

铺路石 成立时间:2006

他们在做:外来务工人员子女的英文教育。他们的教师每周奔波于上海各地的外来务工人员学校和社区中心,几乎完全自费。铺路石想改善城市生源和农村生源间英语水平的不平衡。根据官网 steppingstoneschina.net,他们的教程已证实在对提高学生的英语能力和学习兴趣上都颇有成效。 

如何参与:注册成为志愿者。他们希望你能在一学期内,每周教授 3-6 课时,持续至少 3-4 个月。通勤时间在 45 - 90 分钟左右。时间需求较低的职位包括:私人教师、代课教师,以及募集资金、摄影、办公管理。

官网 steppingstoneschina.net

Stepping Stones

Year Founded: 2006

What They Do: Stepping Stones says that English proficiency is the biggest differentiator of education between rural and urban Chinese children. The differing quality in English programs perpetuates the gap in employment and educational opportunities between rural and urban kids. To address this issue, Stepping Stones focuses on English education to the children of Shanghai's migrant workers. Their teachers travel to migrant schools around Shanghai as volunteers, generally on their own dime, every week. According to their website, their program provides a substantial increase in the kids' English ability and interest in learning it. 

How To Get Involved: Sign up for a teaching class. They ask that volunteers to teach 3-6 hours a week per school term with a commute of 45-90 minutes for a minimum of 3-4 months. Positions that take less of a commitment include tutoring, working as a substitute teacher, and other roles such as fundraising, photography, and office admin. 


Home Sweet Home 成立时间:2005

他们在做:为流浪者、残疾人士等特殊群体提供家庭环境,工作技能,以及重回社会的机会。特殊群体首先能得到实习工作、食物、暂居地和小额补贴。接着再转正成为 Home Sweet Home 的员工,获得基本收入和工作经验。毕业后,便可以去寻找到可持续的事业。除此之外,他们也为流浪者提供了一个有淋浴设备、干净衣服、新鲜食物、玩游戏、与伙伴见面的地方。

如何参与:你可以作为他们的义工。和团队一起组织工作坊来教授技能。或组织特殊群体能参加的社交活动。募集资金、提高群众认知度、设计产品和宣传品等等。或者干脆直接加入每周六 2pm - 6pm 的关怀计划。地点等信息可以邮件 [email protected]


Home Sweet Home

Year Founded: 2005
What They Do: Home Sweet Home assists the homeless, disabled, and adult orphans, equips them with a better home environment, and provides opportunities to reintegrate them into society. Basically, they run an internship program for these groups so that they're assisted in integrating into society and taught vocational skills. Interns are provided with food, lodging, and a small allowance. The next step is their vocational training program. Trainees work as employees of Shanghai Home Sweet Home and earn a basic salary while gaining work experience. After graduating, they can go on to find sustainable careers. In addition to that primary focus, they also provide a place where the homeless can take showers and get clean clothes, have fresh meals, and play games.

How To Get Involved: You can get involved by teaching English classes that run from 10am-12pm on Thursdays, selling their products for fundraising and raising awareness, and helping out with their product design and brochures. Or just show up to their Saturday outreach program from 2pm-6pm. For locations and more information, email them at [email protected]

海上青焙坊 成立时间:2008


如何参与:去每个月的志愿者见面会。他们正寻找能在 IT、翻译、募资、活动管理、文案撰写方面帮助他们的人。需要你能在三个月期间,每周至少贡献几小时:[email protected]


Shanghai Young Bakers

Year Founded: 2008
What They Do: SYB provides free, certified training to disadvantaged youth -- those with impoverished backgrounds and lacking employment opportunities -- in French baking. After the yearlong training program, these students are able to go on to have careers in the field, with the goal of achieving financial autonomy. The best students gain further opportunities like flying to France to continue their culinary training. They fundraise through bake sales and workshops where you can learn how to bake French pastries. SmSh ran a Communitiesarticle on them, which you can take a look at here for more information. 
How To Get Involved: They run monthly volunteer meetings and are on the constant look-out for people who can help them with IT, translation, fundraising, event management, and copywriting. They're looking for people that commit at least a few hours a week for three months. For more info contact [email protected]






Shanghai Roots And Shoots

Year Founded: 1999
What They Do: Founded by UN Messenger of Peace and friend to chimps everywhere Jane Goodall, the Shanghai chapter of Roots and Shoots runs programs for the environment, animal welfare, and the community. Currently, they do tree planting, building environmentally friendly offices, recycling, teaching kids organic gardening, promoting better hygiene practices to children of migrant workers, and much more. They have a large focus on educating children on environmentally sustainable practices. 
How To Get Involved: Volunteers can sign up for Roots and Shoots programs in March and September of every year, which you can do on their website. Check out the programs listed there and express interest in the one you'd like to be involved in. You could also try giving them a call to see if there's anything you could help them out with sooner. 

绿色倡议 成立时间:2009

他们在做:以环保、可持续发展模式和消费模式为重点的环保活动。开展环保活动、教育项目,也会和像 PwC、H&M、荷兰领事馆等品牌或机构合作,组织论坛和机构活动。每月还有电影放映活动,既有教育意义,又有社交性质。

如何参与:你可以从参与他们的活动开始,或发送邮件到 [email protected] 资讯。也可以捐赠你的衣服,支持他们的 Fiber Project。


Green Initiatives

Year Founded: 2009
What They Do: Green Initiatives runs events every month to promote awareness of, and solutions to, environmental issues. They invite industry experts and local leaders to give talks, screen documentary films, and promote student outreach to educate China's youth about the environment. They also run "The Fiber Project", a clothes recycling program, in partnership with I:CO, a Swiss company that reprocesses used items. They have bins all around the city, including at several Element Fresh restaurants. Currently, the project is still in the collection phase. Read our in-depth interview with them from last year.
How To Get Involved: Go to one of their events that they hold throughout the month to learn about green practices and raise awareness in the community. Support the Fiber Project and donate your used clothes. To see their upcoming events, check their website here


Best Friends China成立时间:2012


如何参与:他们在找翻译、运送、活动策划、摄影和网页设计人才。你也可以申请领养资格。因为 Best Friend's 的收养所的房间有限,即使你不在上海久居,也能将自己的时间和空间提供给小动物。他们同时也在寻找有经验的营救员,以及能清洁、陪伴小动物的人。你可以邮件来联系他们。


Best Friends China

Year Founded: 2012
What They Do: Best Friends China promotes adoption, sprays and neuters abandoned animals, and helps find them new homes. The organization is run entirely by volunteers. They have a shelter and run a foster care program for animals that are rescued and haven't been adopted yet. Every week, they promote and organize an adoption day in rotating venues throughout the city. 
How To Get Involved: They have several volunteering positions available such as translation, transportation, event planning, photography, and web design. If you want to work directly with animals, you can adopt or sign up as a foster parent. Even if you aren't in the city for the long haul, you can still offer your time and home to animals as Best Friend's shelter only has limited room. They are also looking for experienced rescuers and people to bathe and spend time with the animals. For more info, you can contact them at [email protected]  


他们在做:通过教育、符合国际标准的医疗保健、以及寄养等方式来宣传和推广保护伴侣动物的重要性。团队的成员大概在 30-40 人左右,SCAA 负责资助宠物医疗,寻找领养者。每个月他们会举办领养日,提供全面的宠物健康信息,对领养者的要求也很严格,是得到英国防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA)认可的组织。

如何参与:做志愿者或者领养人。你可以访问官网:www.scaashanghai.org。但最好的方式还是直接去他们的活动。SCAA 目前还没有收养所,但之后或许会改善。



Year Founded: 2005
What They Do: SCAA works to promote the health and welfare of animals through outreach, advocacy, medical care, and foster care. Their foster network has 30 to 40 people in it, and SCAA supports them by paying for the pets' veterinary care and finding adopters. Foster parents are screened by home environment and availability. They have Association status with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), an international animal welfare charity. Learn more about SCAA and what they do by checking out this interview we did with them. 
How To Get Involved: You can get involved by providing foster care to an animal or, better yet, adopt one outright. Currently, they don't have any space to take rescues, but hopefully that will change in the future if more people volunteer to become foster parents. Find out more about how to become a foster parent on their fostering page



他们在做:帮助因先天畸形而被遗弃的婴孩、儿童提供术前和术后的看护。他们收养的儿童在 5 天到 6 个月大,完全由私人捐助者提供资金。从成立以来已经照看了超过 100 个宝宝。他们会给孩子提供像家一样的环境,因此欢迎志愿者来陪伴宝宝,帮助他们在语言、音乐、专注力上的发展。这里也是上海志愿者组织 BEAN 的志愿地点。

如何参与:新生命之家需要能和宝宝玩耍、帮助他们个人发展的志愿者。每周都很缺人手,并且不会占用你超过 3 小时。你可以在他们的志愿者页面注册,录用后必须参加每月两次的定向培训。

官网: http://shh.charitydreamshanghai.com

Shanghai Healing Home

Year Founded: 2009
What They Do: Shanghai Healing Home aids abandoned orphans with surgically correctable deformities by providing pre- and post-surgical care, in addition to actually organizing the surgeries themselves. The children they receive are between five days old and six months old. They are entirely funded by private donors, and they've cared for over 100 babies since 2009. The environment they provide is meant to be home-like and they welcome volunteers to spend time with the toddlers and aid in their development through language, music, and one-on-one attention. This is one of the places where BEAN Shanghai runs their volunteer programs. 
How To Get Involved: Healing Home needs volunteers who will play with the babies, take them through development programs, and show them love. Volunteer sessions are available most days of the week and usually don't go more than three hours. You can sign up on theirvolunteering page, and afterwards you'll be asked to attend a mandatory orientation that is held bi-monthly. 



如何参与:上海心连心需要能在医院里陪伴照看儿童的志愿者。只要你有耐心并且乐意与孩子相处,便可以参加 2pm - 3:30pm 的支援计划。其他可以帮助的项目,包括了出售所织毛衣来募集资金,或者捐出衣物、玩具等其他儿童物品。更多信息能在 www.heart2heartshanghai.net 找到。


Heart To Heart Shanghai

Year Founded: 2003
What They Do: Heart To Heart's mission is to provide support and funding for Chinese children that require heart surgery for congenital heart defects. They organize volunteering sessions such as hospital visitations and play sessions, as well as English tutelage to Chinese medical staff. They also fundraise for the children in need to pay for their surgeries, and they gather clothes, blankets, toys, books, and other items and redistribute them to children in need. 
How To Get Involved: Heart To Heart needs people to spend time with the children at the hospitals. They have play sessions from 2-3.30pm and no language skills are necessary. Other ways to participate in Heart To Heart's mission include knitting cardigans, which are sold for fundraising, or you can donate clothes, toys, and other goods. More information on their volunteer page


